Drainage Services: Everything You Need to Before Hiring a Drainage Company

What You Need to Know Before Hiring a Drainage Company

Water issues and drainage problems can be extremely troublesome but unfortunately they are all too common. Most UK homeowners will experience some type of issue with their drainage system at one point or another.

For this reason, it's important to be prepared and understand how to deal with drainage issues when they eventually come your way.

Many people tend to automatically call a plumber whenever they experience some type of water or drainage issue in their home. However, a plumber isn't always the best person for the job.

It can be more beneficial for you and for your drainage system if you instead contact a specialist drainage company, such as MAM.

What do drainage companies do?

Drainage companies are specialised contractors who provide installation, maintenance, and repair services for drainage systems. These systems are important to effectively manage and direct water flow away from properties. When drainage systems are in great condition, the buildings and landscapes remain dry and structurally sound. 

People hire drainage contractors for a variety of reasons. One primary reason is to address waterlogging and flooding issues that can cause extensive damage to property. Effective drainage solutions prevent these problems. 

In addition to resolving water-related issues, drainage companies are also hired for their expertise in designing and installing drainage systems tailored to specific properties. This includes residential, commercial, and public spaces where efficient water management is essential.

By employing professional drainage services, property owners and building contractors can guarantee that their drainage systems align with local regulations, environmentally friendly, and designed to last. 

Should I hire a drainage company or a plumbing service?

Deciding whether you should choose plumbing services or drainage contractors to fix your water issue depends on the exact nature of the problem.

The following issues fall under the remit of a drainage company:

  • Issues with a blocked drain
  • Replacing, fixing or relining your drainage system
  • Emptying septic tanks
  • Fixing broken pipes (particularly sewer pipers)
  • Health and safety checks on your water supply and drainage systems

Any issue that relates to waste management and the external pipes that run underneath your house should be handled by a drainage company. Smaller, internal fixes should be dealt with by a plumber.

The types of issues that you should contact a plumber for are:

  • A small leak with a tap, internal pipe or shower
  • Water not entering the property properly, i.e. a tap not working or a toilet not flushing
  • Fixing an issue with a sink basin or toilet bowl

Drainage work in Scotland

How a drain specialist can help

Hiring a drainage company can be a smart choice for many different situations. When choosing to hire an experienced drainage contractor, you can be guaranteed a quick fix with minimal disruption caused to your home or living space.

Drainage contractors tend to specialise in the following areas:

Waste management

Disposing of your waste properly is not something many of us take time to consider in modern-day homes or businesses.

However, without proper waste management, we leave ourselves vulnerable to disease, infection and compromised water supplies.

For those of us who use septic tanks, it's essential to properly dispose of the tank water and clean out the tank regularly in order to maintain the proper standard of hygiene and health.

A drainage specialist can safely empty our your septic tank and clean it thoroughly to ensure it continues to work properly. This process will also make sure that your home or business is meeting the health and safety standards needed to maintain a clean waste disposal system.

Sewer pipe work

The external pipes that run beneath our homes, supplying clean water and flushing away waste, are essential for a properly functioning water and drainage system.

If one of these pipes becomes blocked or damaged, your drainage and water supply can be impacted as a result.

Drainage contractors are the go-to people if any such issue should occur,

The local engineers at MAM are super efficient at removing blockages and fixing any holes or breakages found within the sewer pipe system. Our experts will work to solve the problem quickly and effectively, ensuring your home doesn't suffer from any long-term water or drainage issues for any significant length of time.

Drain clearage

If water around your sink or shower is draining slowly (or not at all), it's highly likely that your drains are blocked and in need of a clearage. This blockage could have happened externally, in the pipes underneath your property, or internally, within the pipes that exist within the property itself.

As an experienced drainage company, the team at MAM will perform routine checks to determine where the problem lies and get to work fixing it.

We can deal with the blockage whether it's internal or external and ensure that all pipes are running clean to prevent future blockages from happening.

A blocked drain can be a troublesome issue but with the help of MAM's drainage specialists your system will be running seamlessly again in no time.

Drainage evaluation & maintenance

Even if there is no clear or obvious problems with your drainage system, it can still be worthwhile having a drain company perform a routine maintenance check in and around your property.

These checks can help prevent small issues from turning into something serious. Perhaps there may be some wear and tear around your pipes that could eventually lead to a broken or burst pipe, or maybe there are signs of rats within your drainage system.

MAM's robust service and checks will ensure all potential problems are spotted early, preventing unexpected costly repairs from occurring in the future.

Our drainage experts can provide CCTV drain surveys, where we insert specially designed cameras into your drains to diagnose and spot any potential drainage issues.

We will then solve the problem quickly and efficiently, whether it's a blocked drain, a small repair or some routine cleaning to ensure your drainage system is working and flowing as it should be.

drainage contractors UK

How to recognise problem in your drainage system?

There are a few tell-tale signs that indicate you require the help of a drainage contractor.

If your waste is not disposing correctly or you feel there is a blockage in your pipes or water system, it is likely that you will need to contact a drainage specialist for assistance.

Some clear signs that signal that there is a problem with the external pipes running beneath your property are:

  • Pipework emitting unpleasant smells
  • Water draining noticeably slowly (especially in your shower/bath)
  • A sink hole appearing in your garden. This indicates a broken or collapsed pipe under the ground
  • Water coming out dirty or discoloured

It's important to contact a drainage company immediately if you feel there is an issue with your drainage system. If left unattended, the problem could quickly worsen and cost you far more time and money in the long run.

Unclogging drain in Glasgow

How much is it to unblock a drain?

The cost of unblocking a drain in the UK varies significantly based on several factors, including:

  • Size and cause of the blockage 
  • Specific services required 
  • Location

Understanding these variables can help you better anticipate the potential expenses associated with drainage services. 

  1. Basic drain unblocking: For minor blockages, such as those caused by debris or grease build-up, the cost typically ranges from £85 to £150. This service usually involves the use of drain rod to clear the blockage. 
  2. Advanced unblocking techniques: For more severe blockage or located deeper within the drainage system, advanced methods may be required. This can include high-pressure water jetting or the use of specialised mechanical equipment. The cost for these services can range from £185 to £250
  3. CCTV drain surveys: If the blockage is severe and the cause is not immediately clear, a CCTV drain survey may be necessary to diagnose the problem. This involves sending a camera into the drainage system to identify the issue accurately. A CCTV drain survey typically costs £200 to £400, depending on the complexity and length of the survey. 
  4. Emergency call-out fees: Additional fees may be required if your drainage problem requires immediate assistance outside of regular business hours. Usual call-outs typically start from £180

*All prices mentioned are based on Checkatrade.

At MAM, we pride ourselves for our comprehensive services and transparent pricing. If you’re experiencing drainage problems, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team.

MAM Contracting Team

Why choose a local UK drainage company?

Choosing a local drainage company comes with numerous benefits. We understand the specific challenges and regulations of the area to ensure compliance and efficient service. When you search for a "drain specialist near me," you’re not just looking for convenience—you’re seeking a partner with a deep understanding of local conditions and a commitment to quality. 

With years of experience in the industry, MAM has built a reputation for delivering high-quality drainage services in Glasgow, Perth and throughout Central Scotland. Our professional engineers bring unparalleled knowledge, expertise, and dedication to every project. Whether it's a minor blockage or a major drainage overhaul, we have the skills and equipment to handle it effectively and efficiently. 

Don't let drainage issues disrupt your life or property. Reach out to us for a consultation today and discover how our reliable drainage solutions can meet your specific needs. Trust the local experts to keep your drainage systems running smoothly.

Contact us now to schedule your consultation. Experience the superior service that our customers value.

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